“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
Psalms 56:3-4 NIV
Oh man how true is this. I’ve lost countless nights of sleep over the years fearing the things of this world. Losing a client, back tracking and replaying conversations, being judged or my favorite negative thoughts about myself.
In this Psalm and the ones directly before it David is fearful for his life, his actions in battle and all the ungodly people that are out to get him and want him dead. I’m feeling blessed that my worries or fears aren’t so extreme in reality, but reality is what we make it and sometimes our worries or fears consume us. We feel alone in these thoughts as they box us in and can sometimes turn into anger.
We aren’t alone, our Father in heaven, our great Protector keeps us safe. His Love and Faithfulness in us keeps us safe from fear and anxiety. He is our only true judge, we don’t quite have power to truly judge ourselves or others. It’s a pretty empty proposition that only drives emotions. Emotions are fleeting, not eternal, they are of this world, not heavenly. Sure, they guide us from here to there, temporarily, but emotions should never be our compass, fully consuming us.
Surrender to the pull of the world, its traps that keep us ensnared and chained to the temporary. Replace earthly fear with Godly wisdom, trust in the Lord to deliver you from your emotions and place your fear of judgement in Him. Live like Jesus did. In Jesus’ name.